Thursday 5 December 2019


🌷" Venerable Bhante Ānanda."🌷

Ānanda was recommended to him as the 500th member of this gathering.

Ānanda was born on the same day as Gotama the Buddha, was his cousin and had spent his childhood and youth with him. When the Buddha became enlightened, Ānanda was one of many family members who renounced the householder’s life and joined him.

As the number of followers, and so the work, grew, the Buddha needed an assistant. Some came, but with various motives. The usual one was the hope for a private viewing of miracles, although in public the Buddha discouraged miracles. Another was to hear the answers to certain philosophical questions which he would never answer in public. Such people could not stay long, and they left.

As the Buddha grew in age to fifty-five, the need for a stable personal assistant was accepted.

Many senior monks were very eager to serve him so closely, but he was known to prefer Ānanda. Yet Ānanda remained silent. He actually asked the Buddha to agree to some terms. There were seven or eight, very healthy terms, and the Buddha accepted all of them.

One was that if ever the Buddha gave a discourse at which Ānanda was not present, the Buddha must, on returning, repeat the discourse to him. Thus he heard every discourse for the last twenty-five years of the Buddha’s life. He had also heard them before that time.

Ānanda had a wonderful faculty of memory due to his practice and past good qualities. If he heard something once, he could repeat it any time, word for word, like a computer or tape recorder today.

Ānanda had served the Buddha for twenty-five years.

He had been so close to him, was his great personal devotee, yet he was not an arahant, not fully liberated.

He was only a sotāpanna, having reached the first stage of liberation after the initial experience of Nibbāna. Beyond that is the stage of sakadāgāmī, then anāgāmī, then arahant.

You should understand from this that a Buddha cannot liberate anyone.

Ānanda also knew Dhamma so well: thousands taught by him were arahants, yet he was continually serving the Buddha, without the time to progress himself.

So Mahākassapa approached him, saying that now that the Buddha had passed away Ānanda had the time, and as a teacher he himself knew the technique so well.

He asked him to work to become an arahant and join the gathering since he would be a great asset there.

Ānanda gladly agreed; he would practise for a few days, become an arahant, and join them.He started working very vigorously, aiming to become an arahant. As a teacher he advised others not to develop ego, as it was a dangerous obstacle. Often the teacher when he practises forgets his own teaching, and this is what happened. His aim was—"I must become an arahant." He made no progress.

Mahākassapa came and told him that the conference would start the following day, if necessary without him. If he was not an arahant they would take someone else.

Again he tried the whole night— "I must become an arahant." The night passed away and the sun rose.

Exhausted from his work, he decided to rest. He didn’t cry, he had that good quality. Now he was not aiming to be an arahant. He just accepted the fact that he was not an arahant, he was only a sotāpanna. Like a good meditator, remaining aware of sensations arising and passing, he took rest. His mind was now no longer in the future, but in the reality of the present moment.

Before his head reached the pillow, he became an arahant.

It is a middle path. With too much laxity you achieve nothing. With over-exertion the mind is unbalanced.

Ānanda joined the conference.

Now Ānanda was asked exactly what the Buddha had said, and all the teachings were compiled.


🌷Three divisions were made, called Tipitaka.

Ti means three, pitaka commonly means basket, though it also refers to scriptures.

1) Sutta-pitaka, the public discourses.

2) Vinaya-pitaka, the discourses to monks and nuns about discipline and sīla.

For householders, five precepts, sīlas, are good enough, but for the monks and nuns there were over 200 sīlas, which is why the old monk dissented.

3) Abhidhamma-pitaka, higher Dhamma, deeper truths about the laws of nature not easily understood by an ordinary person.

It is an analytical study of the entire field of mind and matter with full detail of the reality pertaining to matter (rūpa), mind (citta), and the mental factors, the mental concomitants, the mental contents (cetasika). It fully explains how they interact and influence each other, how matter and mind stimulate the arising of both themselves and each other, and the interconnections, currents, and cross-currents deep inside.

This all becomes clear not just by reading Abhidhamma, but only by a deep practice of Vipassana.

Ānanda was asked to recite the Suttas and Abhidhamma, and another arahant, perfect in the discipline, Upāli, was asked to recite the Vinaya.

Ānanda starts Evamṃ me sutamṃ, "This was heard by me," because he had heard it directly from the Buddha.

He also gives an explanation of the situation in which the Sutta was given.

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