Thursday 31 January 2019

P TAT The largest diagnosis group that spent less than 3 hours in the unit was gastroenteritis/rehydration (29%), as many of these children were discharged when it was clear that they were tolerating oral fluids well.

The largest diagnosis group that spent less than 3 hours in the unit was gastroenteritis/rehydration (29%), as many of these children were discharged when it was clear that they were tolerating oral fluids well.

BCH PDU -Admission and discharge dates and times were available for 4070 children (fig 1
1).). Of these, 1974 children (49%) stayed less than 3 hours, 1760 (43%) stayed between 3 and 8 hours, and 336 (8%) stayed more than 8 hours. When we looked at the subgroup of children discharged home, for whom we had all the time data (3071), 1514 (49%) stayed less than 3 hours, 1343 (44%) stayed between 3 and 8 hours, and 214 (7%) stayed more than 8 hours. The admitting speciality data were available in 4311 cases: 2608 (61%) under the care of accident and emergency and 1434 (33%) under the care of general paediatrics. Other specialities, such as surgery, orthopaedics, and haematology/oncology admitted the rest (fig 22).). The busiest time was between 12 noon and 12 midnight when 71% of the admissions and 65% of the discharges took place.

////////////////////////////////////. 2006 Aug; 23(8): 612–613.
PMCID: PMC2564162
PMID: 16858092

Review of a paediatric emergency department observation unit


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