Saturday 1 September 2018

Men in the intervention group who took less than three weeks of annual vacation had a 37 percent greater risk of dying during the follow-up period than men who took more vacation time. Also, men who took shorter vacations were found to work more and sleep less, demonstrating an overall more stressful lifestyle. Researchers believe these elevated stress levels may be to blame for the increased risk of death, outweighing the benefits of physical activity and diet. They concluded that vacation time can be a valuable, yet underutilized, form of stress relief.

Men in the intervention group who took less than three weeks of annual vacation had a 37 percent greater risk of dying during the follow-up period than men who took more vacation time. Also, men who took shorter vacations were found to work more and sleep less, demonstrating an overall more stressful lifestyle. Researchers believe these elevated stress levels may be to blame for the increased risk of death, outweighing the benefits of physical activity and diet. They concluded that vacation time can be a valuable, yet underutilized, form of stress relief.

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