Wednesday 27 June 2018









Coventry, Aston and Kent aren't as prestigious but they are IBMS accredited and they offer sandwhich placements. 

/////////////////'ve accepted an Unconditional for Biomedical Science at the University of Birmingham this coming September, simply because I absolutely loved the course and facilities, and of course Birmingham is "prestigious". However, I also applied to Surrey, and that was my contender for Birmingham. In the end, the only reason I didn't choose Surrey was because I didn't actually like the fact it was accredited - the course was far too rigid and gave you little to no choice and flexibility on what you study and specialise in. Plus for me the accreditation didn't matter because I want to do a postgrad afterwards. However, if your heart is set on an accredited Uni, then I would say Surrey is definitely the way to go. The course is still excellent, it's accredited, the University is prestigious (and plus my sister did Nursing there - she said it was absolutely excellent and she really enjoyed her time there). 

//////////////////////mention Surrey offers a placement year in Industry which seems like that's what you're after, and Birmingham offers both a a placement year OR a summer research project depending on which you like and if you want to do one at all - you just apply to one course and can choose whether or not to do one at the end of Year 2

//////////////////////////My friend coming out of a year in a hospital lab for placement, didn’t need to ‘afford’ to give the NHS a year of her time, it was covered by her student loan and she was able to get a full loan for living costs and didn’t even pay tuition fees because it was for the NHS.

//////////////////////////here are people out there with B/C grades at A level who do want to better themselves and graduate with a good degree and these individuals should not be deprived from Higher Education. Getting a good job without a degree nowadays is extremely hard. You are competing against many other degree holders. Essentially, this creates quite a large pool and surely gives companies a wide choice in choosing candidates for their graduate programs etc. Companies look for the 'best' - this does not just mean who is academically the smartest. Giving degrees to as many people who have the minimum knowledge to progress surely would create a better knowledge based economy? Just because someone attended Leicester, UEA, Sussex, Surrey, Kent etc does not mean they won't end up successful.

/////////////////////////Be ready for a large shortage in important jobs and high unemployment rates in graduate jobs the UK if you're going to shut down all non-Oxbridge universities.


  1. Dear students

    dont take biomedical science as a career for life as it is not worth it. this is my opinion only. the job market is saturated. please see this email below.

    Attention: Chief Executive, IBMS

    My name is Daniel and this email is about my genuine concern about pathology and its future along with the growing, frustrating community of students in biomedical science and related degrees who are unable to get a job in this field or are stuck in a particular liminal space in the pathology job profession. Part 1 of this email is my personal plea. Part 2 is my opinion about a growing issue about jobs/NHS pathology/Biomedical Science(BMS) degrees/universities/future of pathology and its genuine concerns.

    Part 1- IBMS did an evaluation of my “non accredited degree” on 10th April 2014 which concluded I had to do 4 top up modules to get accreditation. I would like a refund of my 250 pounds which I have worked hard to earn as a medical laboratory assistant. I have decided not to do top up modules in this field as there are not enough jobs and rarely ever any trainee positions. Also my assessment outcome was unfair as I had already done Microbiology and Biochemistry previously. But more importantly there is a bleak future for people like me who have first class degree in a related science degree but unable to get anywhere beyond Band 4(NHS or Private) in this profession because paperwork and rigidity is more important than ability, skill, passion in a scientific profession. I am awaiting a refund of my money as I don’t see why IBMS should hold my money if I am not pursuing this career anymore. You can have the original papers as well if it helps. 

    Part 2- Raising awareness of a growing but silent problem is the reason for my writing of PART 2. A problem with the saturation of this field is a very serious concern. I have seen and experienced myself while working in pathology laboratories where students who have BSc, MSc are doing jobs that they are very overqualified as there are no jobs for them in this sector for their skill and experience with nowhere to move in terms of knowledge and experience. If anyone did a checklist of any of the pathology locum companies and their candidate list with their experience and qualification, it will be interesting to see how many are skilled or qualified or state registered biomedical scientists are there who can’t find a job respective to their training and experience. But they were told that when they were studying that it’s a growing field in the university years with potential trainee jobs out there. 

    NHS Pathology is getting into public private partnerships and other private mergers as seen from the latest Sonic Healthcare and UCLH NHS Foundation Trust Hospitals Laboratories couple of months back. Automation is getting to be the norm because of the efficiency and amount load. All this needs to be considered when teaching Biomedical Science to the future kids who would be more of an "instrument specialist" rather than fully fledged Biomedical Scientist in Blood Science and the cons of the field should be explained to them so that they don’t make the same mistake like us when deciding their career. There is a harmless joke about BMS being called "Babysit Machine Scientist" instead of a Biomedical Scientist. Privatization is a blessing in my opinion to inject some much needed money into this broken system.

    I would once again urge IBMS also to please reconsider their position when advertising this profession to students of the future e.g. A level students as there is a growing frustrating community of existing students in the field over the past years who are fed up of the bureaucracy and inflexibility. They are either starting or have started to look at alternative careers. Also it would be a very good idea to be transparent about the statistics about job numbers ,trainee positions, number of voluntary portfolios, number of jobs per year etc on the IBMS website. A real discussion about the value of a biomedical science degree need to take place at the level of students where its relevant. This is not just my opinion but given the chance I think more people will come out and voice their concern and thoughts.

    Thank you for having the patience to read my email.

    Yours Sincerely
    Following is the reply form the Chief Executive of IBMS-:

    Dear Mr Daniel,

    Thank you for your email and for raising your concerns with me.

    I am sorry you feel the assessment outcome did not reflect your hard work in specific areas. The charge we apply (£250) is for the service provided by the Institute of Biomedical Science to assess your degree content and its equivalence to the QAA subject benchmark statement for biomedical science. These assessments are time consuming and are carried out with due diligence on the part of the assessor and the charge levied is independent of how candidates choose to follow up on the reported outcome. I am sorry if you did not understand this process in advance of your assessment application. We do build in an appeals process which allows candidates eight weeks after the assessment outcome is known to appeal any decision, as indicated in your outcome letter. Unfortunately, you do not appear to have appealed the outcome of your assessment.

    I regret I am therefore unable to provide a refund as requested.

    Regarding the second issue raised in your correspondence, the Institute of Biomedical Science is the professional body for individuals working across the entire biomedical science sector, not just those who work in the NHS. We work hard to raise the profile of the profession and ensure our members are supported throughout their career, and our accredited universities consistently report successful recruitment of their graduates within the sector and in other careers applicable to their graduate skills. We will continue to promote the high standards of practice and to champion biomedical science and those who practice it.

    I am truly sorry that you have been unable to find employment that matches your skills and I do hope that you will be successful in the not too distant future.

    Yours sincerely

    Jill Rodney

    Jill Rodney
    Chief Executive
    Institute of Biomedical Science
    12 Coldbath Square
    EC1R 5HL

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