Sunday, 1 October 2023



It is necessary for us to learn from others' mistakes. You will not live long enough to make them all yourself."

-- Hyman George Rickover


Surrender to the Divine Will: The Gita teaches that true faith involves surrendering to the divine will and recognizing that the universe is governed by a higher intelligence. Arjuna is encouraged to let go of his personal desires and ego and instead act in alignment with the divine plan.


Faith as a Source of Strength: Faith is depicted as a source of inner strength and resilience. When individuals have unwavering faith in their actions and in the righteousness of their path, they can face challenges and adversity with courage and determination.


Detachment and Faith: The Gita teaches that faith should not be based on the outcomes of our actions. Instead, one should act with dedication and devotion, without attachment to the fruits of their actions. This concept is known as "Nishkama Karma," and it emphasizes the importance of faith in the process rather than the results.


Faith in Self-Realization: The ultimate goal of life, according to the Bhagavad Gita, is self-realization or union with the divine. This realization requires faith in one's own inner potential and the belief that each individual has the capacity to attain spiritual enlightenment.


Faith in the Eternal Soul: The Gita teaches that the physical body is temporary, but the soul (Atman) is eternal. Having faith in the eternal nature of the self and understanding the distinction between the body and the soul is central to the Gita's teachings.


Faith in Dharma: Dharma, often translated as duty or righteousness, is a key concept in the Bhagavad Gita. Having faith in one's duty and acting in accordance with it is considered essential for leading a meaningful and purposeful life.


In summary, the Bhagavad Gita teaches that faith is a fundamental aspect of a spiritual journey. It involves having faith in the divine, surrendering to the higher plan, acting with dedication and detachment, and having faith in the eternal nature of the self. Faith is seen as a source of inner strength and a guide for living a righteous and purposeful life.


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