Wednesday, 31 May 2023




The idea of unblending (or detaching) is a very important one, both in yoga in IFS. To begin the healing process, we first must experience the distinction between our unchanging True Self and other parts that carry the burdens of our past (seeds of suffering or klesha-s). “I am not my pain / my anger / my diagnosed condition; it’s a part of me that experiences pain/anger/symptoms because it is either burdened with something or is trying to protect a burdened part .” That’s where the language of “parts” is so useful; it immediately signals to the client that only a part of them is affected, not their whole Self.


 Kastrup makes a similar case to Albahari: the hard problem will never be answered if we try to explain how consciousness fi ts into a materialist universe. Th e only credible solution, says Kastrup, is to pursue an idealist solution.




Unburdening allows the client to release the weight of emotion, perception, or belief that is causing mental and physical suffering. In yoga, Sutra 2.2 calls it klesha tanu karana, which can be translated as “minimizing the seeds of suffering.”



Ramana Maharshi’s father died when he was 12.

He heard people crying and talking about his father having passed.

The death was recent and the corpse well-preserved, so he thought his father was sleeping.

He pointed to the corpse and said:

My father is sleeping over there.

His relatives explained that his father is gone and only his body is there.

Most of us would just accept this self-contradictory statement.

But Sri Ramana had a logical mind.

He thought:

All this time, I thought my father was that body.

When a loved one dies, we believe they’re an astral body that left the material plane.

But Sri Ramana realized:

What ‘leaves’ the body was never there to begin with.

When you break a bowl, the space ‘inside’ isn’t liberated.

It’s seen to be identical with the surrounding space.

At age 16, he completely abandoned the ‘I am the body’ idea.

He didn’t say he was liberated because he was never trapped.

No one attains enlightenment - infinite Spirit simply is.


When you break a bowl, the space ‘inside‘ Isn’t liberated. - the entire essence of Advaita in one line. Beautiful!


What I conclude is that we all have a natural urge to experience eternal happiness and ‘experience’ happens only through the mind.

Scriptures and practice are needed to tame the mind to experience the eternal happiness that can be earned through spirituality only. Sri Ramana is a rare being who did not need it because he stumbled upon it by God’s grace. Everyone cannot be like him and hence need scriptures and practice (Sadhana) to make us worthy of God’s grace


As Bhagavad Gita says, we all exist at different levels of understanding -that doesn’t mean we stop trying to seek the eternal. When the time comes, the destination will be visible.


But the “bowl needs to be broken” before the “inner space can connect with the outer space,” and become one with it again.

Otherwise, it cannot realize its oneness with the outer space if it is cut-off from it, just as we can't realize our oneness with our Greater Self if we're cut off from it by the falseness of mind-ego.




My own experience with astral travel has me believing that the astral body is a perfectly amalgamated fit with the physical body. However there was no feeling of mass or weight. Its like a a breath that fills a space. Apart from the feeling of floating, everything else felt the same. You don't feel your body when you drop back in, but you are fully aware you have merged with it again


The mystery of consciousness has taken us further than we could ever have imagined. If Albahari is right, we no longer face the problem of explaining how minds can exist in a non-mental, material world. The world, says Miri – following the mystics – unfolds on a great cosmic stage: the stage of pure, perspective-less consciousness. There is no material world. There is no hard problem of consciousness. There is no mind–body problem. Not if we see the world for what it really is. Not if we are aware of the world as consciousness. For many of us, the question is whether or not this answer comes at too high a price. Are we prepared to renounce the mind-independent material world in the name of consciousness? Maybe that’s what it will take. However, in the West, I think most people would rather follow in Descartes’s footsteps than Berkeley’s. They want the external material world and consciousness – they want to have their cake and to eat it too. If there’s a lesson to this book, it’s that – on our present understanding – we just can’t have both. Maybe we need to deny the existence of one. So, which is it going to be?





"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed."

-- Cavett Robert








In 2018, for instance, a team at the University of Buenos Aires found evidence that zebra finches, whose brains weigh half a gram, have dreams. Monitors attached to the birds’ throats found that when they were asleep, their muscles sometimes moved in exactly the same pattern as when they were singing out loud; in other words, they seemed to be dreaming about singing.


In his 2022 book If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal, Justin Gregg, a specialist in dolphin communication, takes this mistrust of human reason to an extreme. The book’s title encapsulates Gregg’s argument: if Friedrich Nietzsche had been born a narwhal instead of a German philosopher, he would have been much better off, and given his intellectual influence on fascism, so would the world. By extension, the same is true of our whole species. “The planet does not love us as much as we love our intellect,” Gregg writes. “We have generated more death and destruction for life on this planet than any other animal, past and present. Our many intellectual accomplishments are currently on track to produce our own extinction.”


The Khandana Khanda Khadya is a work by the 12th century Hindu philosopher Sri Harsha which in some sense sets out to disprove epistemology - it seeks to show that all putative means of knowledge, whether sensory observation, inference, or scriptural revelation, are ultimately invalid. That's because Sri Harsha subscribed to a Hindu Vedanta philosophy called Advaita, according to which the physical world is an illusion, and thus the means of knowledge which seem valid in the world of appearance do not capture the true nature of reality.


He first argues that "[t]he non-real can have causal efficiency", i.e. that just because something is a cause doesn't mean it's real. And then he goes one step further and argues that "[c]ausal efficiency cannot belong to that which has real being",



Maharani #Ahlyabaiholkar of Indore was born on this day on 31st May 1725 and on this day on 31st May 1855 The Kali Temple of Ma #Bhabatarini was established in Dakshineshwar by another great Queen Mother #Ranirasmani of Kolkata. On this very day also, May 31, 1891, #SwamiVivekananda left for Chicago to attend the World Religion Conference in America and returned home as a winner after proving the superiority of Sanatan Hinduism.
On this day, I salute the three great human beings of Indian civilisation.
After all, humans and chimpanzees share a common ape ancestor that lived in Africa as recently as 6m years ago. Our most recent common ancestor with the octopus, by contrast, is a worm-like creature thought to have lived 500-600m years ago.


Causal efficiency cannot belong to that which has real being.

I. ‘If a cause be that into the nature of which real existence enters as an essential element, then, for this very reason, the cause has no real being.'
II. 'If, on the other hand, real being does not essentially enter into the nature of the cause, then, for this very reason, the cause has not real being.'


An octopus has 500m neurons, about as many as a dog, but most of these neurons are located not in the brain but in its eight arms, each of which can move, smell and perhaps even remember on its own. In Godfrey-Smith’s words, an octopus is “probably the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien”. When such a being encounters a human at the bottom of the ocean, what could it possibly make of us?



Lots of anti-materialists say that they do understand their conscious experiences. Folks like Chalmers, Montague, Strawson and Goff say, ‘Yes, we know what it’s like to feel pain. There’s this qualitative experience which can’t be explained by physical science, so we’ve got to rethink our understanding of the universe.’
Meanwhile, animals without “rational souls” are capable of demonstrating admirable qualities such as patience and self-restraint. Among humans, the ability to sacrifice immediate pleasure for future gain is called resisting temptation, and is taken as a sign of maturity. But De Waal shows that even birds are capable of it. In one experiment, an African grey parrot named Griffin was taught that if he resisted the urge to eat a serving of cereal, he would be rewarded after an unpredictable interval with food he liked better, such as cashew nuts. The bird was able to hold out 90% of the time, devising ways to distract himself by talking, preening his feathers, or simply throwing the cup of cereal across the room. Such behaviours, De Waal notes, are quite similar to what human children do in the face of temptation.


If the nature of the cause be such that it implies as an essential element real existence, then to say that the generic character ‘real existence' belongs to the cause would involve the absurdity of something (real existence) residing partially in itself (i. e. that real existence which goes to constitute the nature of the cause).

The body is the carrier of inner Self, which is the heart, the Master. When we give the mastery to the body, we lose sight of the Master seated inside. Then it can take an eternity before you understand that He is the Master and not I. That is why there is so much disharmony and misery and trouble.
Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2010 (1st edn., 2011)", Chapter "Ripples of Love – Finding a Master", pg. 42, by Revered Chariji



Take the sense of smell. As humans, we learn about our surroundings primarily by seeing and hearing, while our ability to detect odours is fairly undeveloped. For many animals, the reverse is true. In his 2022 book An Immense World, the science journalist Ed Yong writes about an experiment by researcher Lucy Bates involving African elephants. Bates found that if she took urine from an elephant in the rear of a herd and spread it on the ground in front of the herd, the elephants reacted with bewilderment and curiosity, knowing that the individual’s distinctive odour was coming from the wrong place. For them, a smell out of place was as fundamental a violation of reality as a ghostly apparition would be for us.

With all of its exciting rhetoric and philosophical insight, there’s a lot to explore in this interview, but I’d like to focus on the fi nal section – whether or not Dennett’s view is ‘the silliest claim ever made’. Strawson’s argument is that Dennett’s view is self-contradictory. He essentially says, ‘Dennett thinks that consciousness is an illusion, but his very thought that consciousness is an illusion, is itself an instance of consciousness!’ It’s as if Dennett’s saying he doesn’t believe in tomatoes, whilst he’s biting into a tomato! In his reply, Dennett explains that he’s not denying the existence of consciousness, it’s just ‘not what you think it is’. A helpful way of understanding this was given by Keith Frankish in the previous chapter. Suppose you came across a street magician who makes a beetle disappear before your eyes. In your ignorance, you think that it’s magic. But when you ask her, ‘How did you do that?’, she tells you it was a trick. There wasn’t a beetle there in the fi rst place! It still seems as if the beetle was there (in one sense it’s real – like consciousness), but now you know more about how it got there. Whether or not Strawson and Dennett are talking about the same concept is another matter.

Animals that perceive the world through scent, such as dogs, even have a different sense of time. We often talk about the importance of “living in the moment”, but in fact we have no other choice; since visual information reaches us at the speed of light, what we see around us are things as they existed an infinitesimal fraction of a second ago. When a dog smells, however, “he is not merely assessing the present but also reading the past and divining the future”, Yong writes. Odour molecules from a person or another dog can linger in a room long after the source is gone, or waft ahead before it appears. When a dog perks up long before its owner walks through the front door, smell can seem like a psychic power.


"The moment will arrive when you are comfortable with who you are, and what you are - bald or old or fat or poor, successful or struggling - when you don't feel the need to apologize for anything or to deny anything. To be comfortable in your own skin is the beginning of strength."

-- Charles Handy


Mark 6:3 lists Jesus’ brothers as James, Joses, Judas and Simon.




Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Grateful for existence. Then dissipate back to the One

Sc x SD narrative KGXE

Nature. Culture. Behaviour

Permission to worry you sir

Catch. Pull. Up. Feather. Row Row Row the boat

Suffrng. Shrap or Paap

Cong disaby. GXE. KGXE. Exam. Lesson to prnts

Worse to come. Worst at the end. Schopenhauer

Lyf. Schopenhauer. Task to be done

Lyf is disappointment. Lyf is cheat. Schopenhauer

Consciousness of the stars?

Strauss. Consciousness is the most obvious aspect of reality

Neurophilosophy. Consciousness. Free will. Interbeing

Sgata. Gossip with academia

Swift. Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect: like a man, who hath thought of a good repartee when the discourse is changed, or the company parted; or like a physician, who hath found out an infallible medicine, after the patient is dead.

Monday, 29 May 2023

Tk no effing trauma MH


 Charlie: Who would want me to be part of their life?



The number of people practicing meditation has more than tripled since 2012.






A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety."
- Aesop
Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It's a way of entering into the quiet that's already there—buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day. ~ Deepak Chopra




"If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine."

-- Morris West


dis age check in x baggage drop x itupal security check x boarding GATE GON COM


Now researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO have found in a small study that people who took the insomnia medication suvorexant experienced a drop in both Alzheimer's-related proteins. The study was recently published in the journal Annals of Neurology


B. Dissolve own ego. Dissolve the feeling of otherness of fellow being

Everyone has their reasons and karmic circumstances

B. Chance to examine own bhvr. Avoid judging

No agency on Birth or dth. Only some control over lyf

All there is , is God

Brahman. Lawful harmony of cosmos

Reclusive. Boredom is spice of lyf

sometimes, when things do not go the way you want them to, when someone does not behave the way you expected them to or when someone unexpectedly turns up where they are not supposed to, it might momentarily shake you. But it always helps when you look at it from the other person's point of view. Preeti Shenoy, 34 Bubblegum & Candies

Life was too precious to not do the things one wanted to. Preeti Shenoy, Life Is What You Make it

Nameless Relnship bk

Life is also a great teacher. Life gives you the exams, but doesn’t tell you the syllabus. It is up to us to set our own lessons.
Preeti Shenoy, Wake Up, Life is Calling

Many a time, things have a way of sorting themselves out. We just need to be patient,
Preeti Shenoy, A Hundred Little Flame
Blood is thicker than water. And nothing can stop the connection between a child and its parent.
Preeti Shenoy, It Happens for a Reason

when those we love die, they live on inside us.
Preeti Shenoy, A Hundred Little Flames

Sc is quantitative. Cons is redness of rose. Qualitative

Reality of feelings and experiences. Consciousness exists

Story of the past leaves evidence in the present

Tears of my soul bk

In the jungle I was free, yet the place was like a jail without walls.
Sokreaksa S. Himm

Check in over. Await flight to Consciousness or Matter

Junde. Primacy of Santan eharma

Saturday, 27 May 2023

People Organisms Things wave out in ocean of knowingness then dissolve into ocean



Simply put, by killing the “witness” and burning the bridge.

The self-awareness paradox arises when the witness or observer has outstayed their welcome.

Self-enquiry is a useful bridge that gets you from A to B.

In this case…

A = Bondage

B = Freedom

Once you’ve got to the other side, however, there’s no need to keep crossing back over the bridge.

The witness has served its purpose. No matter how much it tries to convince you otherwise.

You have arrived.

You are home.

You are free.

You no longer need the bridge, so burn it down.

If you don’t burn the bridge you will always be open to attack.

Burning the bridge destroys any chance of you returning to the way things were.

When you’re ready to burn the bridge, then you know you have found something of eternal value.


Do We All Live Inside a Video Game? Over the last decade, these basic questions about video game worlds have formed the basis of a much larger debate that has been raging among scientists, tech entrepreneurs, computer programmers, philosophers, and science-fiction writers, not to mention among the general public. This debate is not just about video game technology, but about the nature of our reality and how the world “out here” might actually be more like the world “in there” than we previously thought.


When Nirvikalp Samadhi enters you - God has found throne and your body becomes temple of divine consciousness.

But before it happens you have to cease to be then only God will find his way into you.

Your ego is the only wall between you and God. It is not that God can't break it but it has to happen from inside otherwise you will only have the glimpse of divine and then after you will wander to find it again rest of your life.

It has happened to many, it can happen to you - just keep the stairs of your temple clean. Let the grace descend on you. Let your soul meet its source. Let the God reclaim his kingdom.



 What I learned as I delved into these areas is that quantum physics provides significant clues that we are in some kind of simulated reality. The basis for quantum physics is that the universe is not continuous but exists as a set of “quanta,” or discrete, values. This is true for subatomic particles, such as electrons, that seem to jump from one state to another without going through the values in between, a phenomenon known as a quantum leap. This is also true for computer simulations, which are based on discrete particles called pixels




A ridiculous question, like ‘enlightenment’ is some object “you” lost and now have to go back and find it. 🤣

I remember my friend Adyashanti telling us about his moment of ‘full-awakening’ - i.e., the day he realized he was always Being, never ‘separate Adyashanti’ who needed to somehow ‘re-merge’ with Being.

“I first saw” he said, “that the Buddha on my altar I had been praying to for all these years, was me, and I was he. I saw there was no difference, that we were both made of the same primordial essence. Then I noticed I was the same Being as the air caressing my skin. No difference. No separation.

But these two things, air and Buddha, were things I generally thought of as ‘good’ or ‘beautiful’ things. I felt I should put it to the test, so I got up and walked to the bathroom, and looked right at the toilet. Sure enough, that was me too! No different than an beautiful altar with a golden deity on it. I was everything and everywhere! Even in the filthiest back alleys or bathrooms, there was nowhere I couldn’t find ‘enlightenment.’”



pnma canal 



tasks and outcomes that we have to fulfill. Whenever we create karma, a new “task” gets created on a virtual manifest, stored somewhere outside the material world. When we incarnate in the future, we can choose which particular tasks of our past karma we should tackle in our new life. Buddha’s endless “Wheel of Life” tells of the purpose of reincarnation: The reason we keep incarnating in future lives is to fulfill the “missions” created in our present and past lives







Perhaps consciousness is eternal.

Everything - concepts of I and mine and you and yours and karma and its reactions abide in consciousness.

With realisation that consciousness alone exists and actions and their reactions are all waves within that ocean of consciousness, all waves subside and the ocean remains calm, blissful and unperturbed.







Pain is a general word universally applied to both body and mind.

But, are they both ‘pain’ ?

A lustful man could not possess a woman, and is suffering pain. A child was bitten by an ant, and is crying in pain.

Is it fair to call both by the same word and idea called ‘pain’ ?

A psychological pain is purely caused by attachment and delusion.

Then, what is physical pain.

It is not pain. It is body’s signal mechanism that something has to be set right. This unpleasantness instructs the brain to take some action and correct it.

Otherwise if a snake bites you while you were sleeping, you would be gone in sleep. Or you would not know if your hands burnt touching fire. You would hurt yourself many times and you will not know. The worst is , you would not know even if you had an attack or stroke.

I have heard of cases where children could not feel pain, and the parents would give all their wealth just to make their child feel the pain.

There is a physical pain, and there is a mental brooding over this physical pain, converting it into psychological pain.

That is why the psychological pain of a similar physical pain is different between a brave heart and a chicken heart.

Ramana Maharishi had cancer in His hand, and suffered the physical pain aka mechanism of the body. Since He was not attached to His body or hand, there was no psychological pain.

Physical pain is a life saving mechanism. Psychological pain is absolute ignorance, and absolutely avoidable.


At some point after completing the previous stages, a civilization should have reached the simulation point—the point at which it can create simulations that are virtually indistinguishable from a base physical reality. The Great Simulation is a video game that is so real because it is based on incredibly sophisticated models and rendering techniques that are beamed directly into the mind of the players, and the actions of artificially generated consciousness are indistinguishable from real players.



