Friday 24 February 2023


From ~~~ Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, T. 13


The Self is ever there, there is nothing without it.
Be the Self and the desires and doubts will disappear.
Such Self is the witness in sleep, dream
and waking states of existence.
These states belong to the ego.

The Self transcends even the ego.
Did you not exist in sleep?
Did you know then that you were asleep
or unaware of the world?

It is only in the waking state that you describe
the experience of sleep as being unawareness;
therefore the consciousness when asleep
is the same as that when awake.

If you know what this waking consciousness is,
you will know the consciousness
which witnesses all the three states.

Such consciousness could be found
by seeking the consciousness
as it was in sleep.


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