Wednesday, 18 October 2017


 For a well child going home, ensure the parents are aware of possible new features/complications and know whom to contact if there should be further acute problems. Warn them the disease may remit and relapse. Arrange appropriate follow-up.
 The purpose of follow-up, once the acute symptoms have settled, is to detect and monitor renal involvement. This can appear up to at least 3 months after initial presentation, and may be associated with late (years later) deterioration in renal function.
 BP and urinalysis must be checked weekly for the first 4 weeks and monthly until 3 months.
 The first 5 of these checks could be either at the GP surgery, if the GP agrees or on the Clinical Decisions Unit (CDU).
 At 3 months:
o if urine negative and BP normal, ensure GP review of BP and urinalysis at 6 months from diagnosis; with an instruction to the GP that if the 6 month check and all previous ones have been completely clear, no further follow up is required. If initial cheeks showed some abnormal urine/BP but 3 month and 6 month checks are clear, annual review by GP is indicated, for life.
o if urine positive for blood and/or protein, or BP raised: treat BP as appropriate and arrange Paediatric Consultant review at 6 months and 1 year.
 At 1 year:
o if urinalysis still positive/BP raised, consider referral for renal biopsy.
o if all negative, arrange annual urinalysis and BP for life. This can normally be at GP surgery if age of child appropriate and GP happy to do this.
1. Tizard EJ, Hamilton-Ayres MJ, Henoch-Schonlein Purpura. Arch Dis Child Educ Prac Ed 2008; 93:1-8
2. Chartapisak W, Opastiraku S et al. Prevention and treatment of renal disease in Henoch-Schonlein purpura: a systematic review. Arch Dis Child 2008; 94; 132-137

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