Friday 12 July 2013


//////////////////When a child has been given antipyretics, do not rely on a decrease or lack of decrease in temperature at 1–2 hours to differentiate between serious and non-serious illness. Nevertheless, in order to detect possible clinical deterioration, all children in hospital with 'amber' or 'red' features should still be reassessed after 1–2 hours. [new 2013]

////////////////////////////Consider using either paracetamol or ibuprofen in children with fever who appear distressed. [new 2013]

Do not use antipyretic agents with the sole aim of reducing body temperature in children with fever. [new 2013]

When using paracetamol or ibuprofen in children with fever:
  • continue only as long as the child appears distressed
  • consider changing to the other agent if the child's distress is not alleviated
  • do not give both agents simultaneously
  • only consider alternating these agents if the distress persists or recurs before the next dose is due. [new 2013]

Children with 'green' features and none of the 'amber' or 'red' features can be cared for at home with appropriate advice for parents and carers, including advice on when to seek further attention from the healthcare services (seesection 1.7). [2007, amended 2013]

///////////////////////GP=Children with 'green' features and none of the 'amber' or 'red' features can be cared for at home with appropriate advice for parents and carers, including advice on when to seek further attention from the healthcare services (seesection 1.7). [2007, amended 2013]

/////////////////////////When parenteral antibiotics are indicated for infants younger than 3 months of age, a third-generation cephalosporin (for example cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) should be given plus an antibiotic active against listeria (for example, ampicillin or amoxicillin). [2007]

////////////////////////////>3MO OLDS-Perform the following investigations in children with fever without apparent source who present to paediatric specialists with 1 or more 'red' features:
  • full blood count
  • blood culture
  • C-reactive protein
  • urine testing for urinary tract infection[6][2013]


Give parenteral antibiotics to:
  • infants younger than 1 month with fever
  • all infants aged 1–3 months with fever who appear unwell
  • infants aged 1–3 months with WBC less than 5 × 109/litre or greater than 15 × 109/litre. [2007, amended 2013]


Perform lumbar puncture in the following children with fever (unless contraindicated):
  • infants younger than 1 month
  • all infants aged 1–3 months who appear unwell
  • infants aged 1–3 months with a white blood cell count (WBC) less than 5 × 109/litre or greater than 15 × 109/litre. [2007, amended 2013]

  • Recognise that children with tachycardia are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. Use the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)[1] criteria below to define tachycardia: [new 2013]
Heart rate (bpm)
<12 months
12–24 months
2–5 years


Management by the paediatric specialist

  • Perform the following investigations in infants younger than 3 months with fever:
    • full blood count
    • blood culture
    • C-reactive protein
    • urine testing for urinary tract infection[2]
    • chest X-ray only if respiratory signs are present
    • stool culture, if diarrhoea is present. [2013]


Antipyretic interventions

      • Antipyretic agents do not prevent febrile convulsions and should not be used specifically for this purpose. [2007]
      • When using paracetamol or ibuprofen in children with fever;
        • continue only as long as the child appears distressed
        • consider changing to the other agent if the child's distress is not alleviated
        • do not give both agents simultaneously
        • only consider alternating these agents if the distress persists or recurs before the next dose is due. [new 2013]

          ////////////////////////////TACHY >140, CRT >3 S

          Kawasaki disease
          Fever for more than 5 days and at least 4 of the following:
          • bilateral conjunctival injection
          • change in mucous membranes
          • change in the extremities
          • polymorphous rash
          • cervical lymphadenopathy

        ///////////////////////When assessing children with learning disabilities, take the individual child's learning disability into account when interpreting the traffic light table. [new 2013]

        ///////////////////////////Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in a high-risk group for serious illness:
        • pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin, lips or tongue
        • no response to social cues[3]
        • appearing ill to a healthcare professional
        • does not wake or if roused does not stay awake
        • weak, high-pitched or continuous cry
        • grunting
        • respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute
        • moderate or severe chest indrawing
        • reduced skin turgor
        • bulging fontanelle. [new 2013]

          /////////////////////////////////Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness:
          • pallor of skin, lips or tongue reported by parent or carer
          • not responding normally to social cues[3]
          • no smile
          • wakes only with prolonged stimulation
          • decreased activity
          • nasal flaring
          • dry mucous membranes
          • poor feeding in infants
          • reduced urine output
          • rigors. [new 2013]

            ////////////////////////////Recognise that children who have all of the following features, and none of the high- or intermediate-risk features, are in a low-risk group for serious illness:
            • normal colour of skin, lips and tongue
            • responds normally to social cues[3]
            • content/smiles
            • stays awake or awakens quickly
            • strong normal cry or not crying
            • normal skin and eyes
            • moist mucous membranes. [new 2013]

              ////////////////////////////Recognise that a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer is an intermediate-risk group marker for serious illness ('amber' sign). [2013]

              /////////////////////////In children older than 6 months do not use height of body temperature alone to identify those with serious illness. [2013]

              ////////////////////////Recognise that children younger than 3 months with a temperature of 38°C or higher are in a high-risk group for serious illness. [2013]

              /////////////////////Recognise that children aged 3–6 months with a temperature of 39°C or higher are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. [new 2013]


              Do not use duration of fever to predict the likelihood of serious illness. However, children with a fever lasting more than 5 days should be assessed for Kawasaki disease (see recommendation [new 2013]

              ////////////////////////Consider bacterial meningitis in a child with fever and any of the following features[5]:
              • neck stiffness
              • bulging fontanelle
              • decreased level of consciousness
              • convulsive status epilepticus. [2007, amended 2013]

                ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Consider urinary tract infection in any child younger than 3 months with fever[6].[2007]

                ///////////////Consider urinary tract infection in a child aged 3 months or older with fever and 1 or more of the following[6]:
                • vomiting
                • poor feeding
                • lethargy
                • irritability
                • abdominal pain or tenderness
              • urinary frequency or dysuria. [new 2013]

                ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[new 2013]
                Children with fever and any of the symptoms or signs in the red column should be recognised as being at high risk.

              • children aged 4 weeks to 5 years, measure body temperature by one of the following methods:
                • electronic thermometer in the axilla
                • chemical dot thermometer in the axilla
                • infra-red tympanic thermometer. [2007]
       professionals who routinely use disposable chemical dot thermometers should consider using an alternative type of thermometer when multiple temperature measurements are required. [2007]
       chemical thermometers are unreliable and should not be used by healthcare professionals. [2007]

              • parental perception of a fever should be considered valid and taken seriously by healthcare professionals. [2007]

1.2 Clinical assessment of children with fever

              •, healthcare professionals should identify any immediately life-threatening features, including compromise of the airway, breathing or circulation, and decreased level of consciousness. [2007]

              • children with feverish illness for the presence or absence of symptoms and signs that can be used to predict the risk of serious illness using the traffic light system (see table 1). [2013]
       assessing children with learning disabilities, take the individual child's learning disability into account when interpreting the traffic light table. [new 2013]
       that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in a high-risk group for serious illness:
                • pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin, lips or tongue
                • no response to social cues[3]
                • appearing ill to a healthcare professional
                • does not wake or if roused does not stay awake
                • weak, high-pitched or continuous cry
                • grunting
                • respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute
                • moderate or severe chest indrawing
                • reduced skin turgor
                • bulging fontanelle. [new 2013]
       that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness:
                • pallor of skin, lips or tongue reported by parent or carer
                • not responding normally to social cues[3]
                • no smile
                • wakes only with prolonged stimulation
                • decreased activity
                • nasal flaring
                • dry mucous membranes
                • poor feeding in infants
                • reduced urine output
                • rigors. [new 2013]
       that children who have all of the following features, and none of the high- or intermediate-risk features, are in a low-risk group for serious illness:
                • normal colour of skin, lips and tongue
                • responds normally to social cues[3]
                • content/smiles
                • stays awake or awakens quickly
                • strong normal cry or not crying
                • normal skin and eyes
                • moist mucous membranes. [new 2013]
       and record temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and capillary refill time as part of the routine assessment of a child with fever. [2007]
       that a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer is an intermediate-risk group marker for serious illness ('amber' sign). [2013]
       the blood pressure of children with fever if the heart rate or capillary refill time is abnormal and the facilities to measure blood pressure are available.[2007]
       children older than 6 months do not use height of body temperature alone to identify those with serious illness. [2013]
       that children younger than 3 months with a temperature of 38°C or higher are in a high-risk group for serious illness. [2013]
       that children aged 3–6 months with a temperature of 39°C or higher are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. [new 2013]
       not use duration of fever to predict the likelihood of serious illness. However, children with a fever lasting more than 5 days should be assessed for Kawasaki disease (see recommendation [new 2013]
       that children with tachycardia are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. Use the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)[4] criteria below to define tachycardia: [new 2013]
                Heart rate (bpm)
                <12 months
                12–24 months
                2–5 years
       children with fever for signs of dehydration. Look for:
                • prolonged capillary refill time
                • abnormal skin turgor
                • abnormal respiratory pattern
                • weak pulse
                • cool extremities. [2007]

              • for a source of fever and check for the presence of symptoms and signs that are associated with specific diseases (see table 2). [2007]
       meningococcal disease in any child with fever and a non-blanching rash, particularly if any of the following features are present[5]:
                • an ill-looking child
                • lesions larger than 2 mm in diameter (purpura)
                • a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer
                • neck stiffness. [2007]
       bacterial meningitis in a child with fever and any of the following features[5]:
                • neck stiffness
                • bulging fontanelle
                • decreased level of consciousness
                • convulsive status epilepticus. [2007, amended 2013]
       aware that classic signs of meningitis (neck stiffness, bulging fontanelle, high-pitched cry) are often absent in infants with bacterial meningitis[5][2007]
       herpes simplex encephalitis in children with fever and any of the following features:
                • focal neurological signs
                • focal seizures
                • decreased level of consciousness. [2007]
       pneumonia in children with fever and any of the following signs:
                • tachypnoea (respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute, age 0–5 months; greater than 50 breaths per minute, age 6–12 months; greater than 40 breaths per minute, age older than 12 months)
                • crackles in the chest
                • nasal flaring
                • chest indrawing
                • cyanosis
                • oxygen saturation of 95% or less when breathing air. [2007]
       urinary tract infection in any child younger than 3 months with fever[6].[2007]
       urinary tract infection in a child aged 3 months or older with fever and 1 or more of the following[6]:
                • vomiting
                • poor feeding
                • lethargy
                • irritability
                • abdominal pain or tenderness
                • urinary frequency or dysuria. [new 2013]
       septic arthritis/osteomyelitis in children with fever and any of the following signs:
                • swelling of a limb or joint
                • not using an extremity
                • non-weight bearing. [2007]
       Kawasaki disease in children with fever that has lasted longer than 5 days and who have 4 of the following 5 features:
                • bilateral conjunctival injection
                • change in mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract (for example, injected pharynx, dry cracked lips or strawberry tongue)
                • change in the extremities (for example, oedema, erythema or desquamation)
                • polymorphous rash
                • cervical lymphadenopathy

                  Be aware that, in rare cases, incomplete/atypical Kawasaki disease may be diagnosed with fewer features. [2007]

              • assessing a child with feverish illness, enquire about recent travel abroad and consider the possibility of imported infections according to the region visited.[2007]

              • [new 2013]
                Children with fever and any of the symptoms or signs in the red column should be recognised as being at high risk. Similarly, children with fever and any of the symptoms or signs in the amber column and none in the red column should be recognised as being at intermediate risk. Children with symptoms and signs in the green column and none in the amber or red columns are at low risk. The management of children with fever should be directed by the level of risk.
                This traffic light table should be used in conjunction with the recommendations in this guideline on investigations and initial management in children with fever.
                A colour version of this table is available.

                Green – low risk
                Amber – intermediate risk
                Red – high risk
                (of skin, lips or tongue)
                • Normal colour
                • Pallor reported by parent/carer
                • Pale/mottled/ashen/blue
                • Responds normally to social cues
                • Content/smiles
                • Stays awake or awakens quickly
                • Strong normal cry/not crying
                • Not responding normally to social cues
                • No smile
                • Wakes only with prolonged stimulation
                • Decreased activity
                • No response to social cues
                • Appears ill to a healthcare professional
                • Does not wake or if roused does not stay awake
                • Weak, high-pitched or continuous cry
                • Nasal flaring
                • Tachypnoea: respiratory rate
                  • >50 breaths/minute, age 6–12 months;
                  • >40 breaths/minute, age >12 months
                • Oxygen saturation ≤95% in air
                • Crackles in the chest
                • Grunting
                • Tachypnoea: respiratory rate >60 breaths/minute
                • Moderate or severe chest indrawing
                Circulation and hydration
                • Normal skin and eyes
                • Moist mucous membranes
                • Tachycardia:
                  • >160 beats/minute, age <12 months
                  • >150 beats/minute, age 12–24 months
                  • >140 beats/minute, age 2–5 years
                • Capillary refill time ≥3 seconds
                • Dry mucous membranes
                • Poor feeding in infants
                • Reduced urine output
                • Reduced skin turgor
                • None of the amber or red symptoms or signs
                • Age 3–6 months, temperature ≥39°C
                • Fever for ≥5 days
                • Rigors
                • Swelling of a limb or joint
                • Non-weight bearing limb/not using an extremity
                • Age <3 months, temperature ≥38°C
                • Non-blanching rash
                • Bulging fontanelle
                • Neck stiffness
                • Status epilepticus
                • Focal neurological signs
                • Focal seizures

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