Monday 5 February 2018

when you get around to it, i hope you do the vipassana thing some day. it is a wonderful experience in watching your mind work. most of the time, you can explain why you are thinking of A, and the next moment you are thinking of B through a chain of associations. in the first 3-4 days, because you are depriving yourself of your normal external stimuli, your mind starts to slow down and then you can actually see that your switch from thought A to B actually has 5-6 transitions between them. you go from A to B via C, D, E and F. towards the 9-10 days, you start getting these very vivid images in the mind and you have no idea where they're from. some corner of your mind that you have never accessed before get activated. this is what we call the sub-consciousness.

when you get around to it, i hope you do the vipassana thing some day. it is a wonderful experience in watching your mind work. most of the time, you can explain why you are thinking of A, and the next moment you are thinking of B through a chain of associations. in the first 3-4 days, because you are depriving yourself of your normal external stimuli, your mind starts to slow down and then you can actually see that your switch from thought A to B actually has 5-6 transitions between them. you go from A to B via C, D, E and F.

towards the 9-10 days, you start getting these very vivid images in the mind and you have no idea where they're from. some corner of your mind that you have never accessed before get activated. this is what we call the sub-consciousness.

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