Monday 19 February 2018

Delusions know where we are weakest and they will attack us mercilessly. For some it is anger, for others it is jealousy, for others it is attachment to what others think, for many it is sexual attachment. One of my favorite stories is the one where the woman tells the monk you either drink with me, have sex with me or I will kill myself. Thinking drinking was the least bad of the three options, the monk proceeded to drink, got drunk, lost his moral discipline and wound up having sex with the woman. The result was he committed spiritual suicide.

Delusions know where we are weakest and they will attack us mercilessly.  For some it is anger, for others it is jealousy, for others it is attachment to what others think, for many it is sexual attachment.  One of my favorite stories is the one where the woman tells the monk you either drink with me, have sex with me or I will kill myself.  Thinking drinking was the least bad of the three options, the monk proceeded to drink, got drunk, lost his moral discipline and wound up having sex with the woman.  The result was he committed spiritual suicide.

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