Monday 19 February 2018

Delusions are like water. Water has an incredible ability to relentlessly find the cracks and seep into them. Water, which we can playfully splash our hands through, nonetheless has the power to carve out great canyons one drop at a time. In the same way, delusions relentlessly find the cracks within our mind, and they can seep into our virtues. An individual delusion, in and of itself, never seems like a big deal and we can playfully splash our mind through it, but it nonetheless has the power to carve out great canyons of bad mental habits or pathways one deluded drop at a time, until eventually all the water of our mental continuum flows in deluded ways

Delusions are like water.  Water has an incredible ability to relentlessly find the cracks and seep into them.  Water, which we can playfully splash our hands through, nonetheless has the power to carve out great canyons one drop at a time.  In the same way, delusions relentlessly find the cracks within our mind, and they can seep into our virtues.  An individual delusion, in and of itself, never seems like a big deal and we can playfully splash our mind through it, but it nonetheless has the power to carve out great canyons of bad mental habits or pathways one deluded drop at a time, until eventually all the water of our mental continuum flows in deluded ways

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