Tuesday 20 February 2018

But with Buddha's wisdom teachings, it's a bit like we suddenly worked out we are preprogrammed, realizing, "My life is not my own -- I'm being propelled from one situation to the next by the software of delusions and karma!" And we decide, "OK, I'm westworldgoing to change this, because, although everything is kind of fake, now that I've realized this, it means I can ditch this program and take off these glasses."

But with Buddha's wisdom teachings, it's a bit like we suddenly worked out we are preprogrammed, realizing, "My life is not my own -- I'm being propelled from one situation to the next by the software of delusions and karma!"  And we decide, "OK, I'm going to change this, because, although everything is kind of fake, now that I've realized this, it means I can ditch this program and take off these glasses."

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