Monday 19 February 2018

A good Sangha friend of mine once said, “in every moment, we are either going out of samsara or deeper into it, there is no third possibility.” In exactly the same way, either we are guarding our mind or we are falling into the lower realms, there is no third possibility. Sooner or later, if we do not maintain constant mindfulness, our delusions will slowly or quickly drag us down. All delusions are necessarily bottomless pits. We often follow our delusions once hoping doing so will bring us happiness. When it fails to do so, we think next time will be different, so we try again. We keep repeating this mistake again and again until it becomes too late and we can no longer stop ourselves, just like a drug addict. We either stop our delusions or they will damn us to the deepest hell. There is no third possibility.

A good Sangha friend of mine once said, “in every moment, we are either going out of samsara or deeper into it, there is no third possibility.”  In exactly the same way, either we are guarding our mind or we are falling into the lower realms, there is no third possibility.  Sooner or later, if we do not maintain constant mindfulness, our delusions will slowly or quickly drag us down.  All delusions are necessarily bottomless pits.  We often follow our delusions once hoping doing so will bring us happiness.  When it fails to do so, we think next time will be different, so we try again.  We keep repeating this mistake again and again until it becomes too late and we can no longer stop ourselves, just like a drug addict.  We either stop our delusions or they will damn us to the deepest hell.  There is no third possibility.

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