Sunday 24 February 2019

MF Briefly, after relaxing into a good posture and dropping into our heart, we imagine we become an inanimate object, as if made of stone, devoid of thought and feeling. We switch off our thoughts like switching off the TV


Briefly, after relaxing into a good posture and dropping into our heart, we imagine we become an inanimate object, as if made of wood or stone, devoid of thought and feeling. We switch off our thoughts like switching off the TV

We should merely be as unresponsive as possible to the thoughts flooding our mind. By depriving them of energy in this way, we shall prevent our delusions from motivating our behaviour and they will soon fade away of their own accord. ~ page

A “technique of non-reaction,” as Shantideva puts it, this temporarily solves all our problems


Meditation on this absorption is very useful for solving human problems temporarily because through this method we can temporarily cease gross conceptual thoughts, such that there are no unpleasant feelings, painful feelings, unhappiness. This is a very special method, and very simple; and it can be practiced by both Buddhists and non-Buddhists, anyone

Remaining impassive like STONE  for a few minutes will calm us down and give us a welcome break from unhappiness.

Practicing this is not difficult, it is very easy. The only thing we need is interest, energy, and effort


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