Friday 16 February 2018


Diagnostic Evaluation of Newborns With Nonimmune Hydrops
SystemType of Evaluation
CardiovascularEchocardiogram, electrocardiogram
PulmonaryChest radiograph, pleural fluid examination
HematologicComplete blood cell count, differential platelet count, blood type and Coombs test, blood smear for morphologic analysis
GastrointestinalAbdominal radiograph, abdominal ultrasonography, liver function tests, peritoneal fluid examination, total protein and albumin levels
RenalUrinalysis, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine measurements
GeneticChromosomal analysis, skeletal radiographs, genetic consultation
Congenital infectionsViral cultures or serologic testing, including TORCH agents and parvovirus
PathologicComplete autopsy, placental examination
LymphaticMRI, lymphoscintigraphy, ICG lymphography

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