Thursday 8 February 2018



Me-time every day
Weekly screen-free sabbath
Keep a gratitude journal
A daily practice of stillness
Eat one meal per day around a table – without an e-device


De-normalise sugar (and retrain your taste buds)
Eat five different coloured vegetables every day
Eat all of your food within a 12-hour window
Drink eight glasses of water per day
Unprocess your diet by avoiding any food product that contains more than five ingredients


Walk at least 10,000 steps per day
Do a form of strength training twice a week
Do a form of high-intensity interval training twice a week
Make a habit of exercise snacking
Do daily glute exercises to help warm them up


Create an environment of absolute darkness
Spend at least 20 minutes outside every morning
Create a bedtime routine
Manage your commotion
Enjoy your caffeine before noon

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